Sunday 12 February 2017

Secret air pollutants

When we think about air pollutants, we generally think of extreme pollutants such as co2 from cars, factory industry and burning fossil fuels.

Products such as DIT and cleaning products, air fresheners and personal hygiene products may cause unpleasant gases according to this report.  This report strongly argues that
 Poor air quality leads to indoor air pollution which could be crucial for human lives.
Around 40,000 people die annually just in Europe for air pollution-related diseases such as lung cancer, this suggests that everyday life products such listed above, can be such a big problem for humanity. If this report is true, we need to change the products

There are many other products releasing unpleasant gases, also leading to poor air-quality, such as certain glues, furniture, fabric and insulation. This is really important. These products don't tell you they have an effect on giving poor air condition. This concludes that you are paying for more indoor air pollution in your houses or places. I personally believe that there should be strict laws for this problem. We need to be careful of what we're buying before we actually purchase the product, as we would be paying for expensive diseases.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Air - more than what you breathe

Air is one of the indispensable things which not just humans, but mostly all the organisms can't replace to live everyday lives. We benefit from air in many different occasions.

Organisms' lives
First of all, most organisms require air for their survival. Most animals require oxygen for respiration. Respiration is when you get rid of unnecessary gases in your body such as co2 and water vapour, and breathing in oxygen. Scientists have discovered single-celled organisms which do not require oxygen, but if air wasn't present it wouldn't have been created anyway.
Plants require co2 for their photosynthesis, which is process for plants to make their own food.

Power generator
Air is a renewable resource and humans have taken the advantage of that. Humans developed things such as windmills and wind turbines, which converts moving air (wind energy) to electrical energy to create power environmentally friendly.

Different sports
Humans take advantage of air and use them to play different types of sports. Sports such as windsurfing, kite surfing and sailing all require wind energy to play. Also, activities such as ski diving use air (resistance) when using the parachute.

Compressed air (pneumatic)
Engineers use compressed air, or pneumatic system. Pneumatic system is using air under pressure, or electrically in cylinders and air motors. It's a cheaper and more flexible system and it's also used in construction, medic and other areas.

To conclude my blog, you've seen many uses and advantages about air, which we have full responsibility and we should look after our precious air in high respect.

Air pollution - effects and solutions

Last blog, I wrote mainly about the causes of this planet's most serious problem, air pollution. Same as all the other problems, it leads to effects which leads to solutions. Today I'll be talking about effects of air pollution and solutions to try to solve this problem.
The most widely known effect of air pollution is the greenhouse effect, which leads to Global Warming. As you could tell by its name, it's increase of our planet's temperature. Heat from the Sunlight goes through our planet and about 25% of heat hits the ground and reflects back out of the planet. What greenhouse effect does is that it creates a layer of greenhouse gases(co2, methane, etc) and it blocks the heat going out of the planet, making our planet warmer and warmer.

As a result, ice starts to melt in ice regions, increasing the sea level as well as its temperature. This is a serious issue as areas which have low altitude, or below the sea level, it will drown. This can directly impact humans. Some places have already drowned due to this problem, creating disastrous losses of lives, houses and land.

Air pollution can cause diseases for humans, such as lung and skin cancer. Air pollution can not only impact humans, but most every other living things in this planet. Acid rain (formed in the air) can pollute waters such as lakes and oceans, 

Thursday 2 February 2017

Air pollution.... and humans

Air has been in this planet since its creation, and air is also indispensable for nearly everything in this planet. Every creature need air to survive. We should be grateful, but the way we treat our air is quite opposite.

Air pollution is one of the most serious problems this planet have and people must realize what outcomes this problem is going to lead to. Humans have been looking for solutions for this problem, but very far away from solving this problem.

Main cause of this air pollution is the increase level of co2 in the atmosphere. The rate of atmospheric co2 growth is increasing rapidly. The level of co2, which is measured in parts per million (ppm) per year, has tripled in last half of a century. This graph suggests that the earth is in the worst atmospheric condition since its creation. It has never reached this level, and it's still increasing rapidly.
Here are few main causes of co2 increase
1. Burning of fossil fuel
2. Agricultural activites
3. Mass production

Since the mass production and factories were invented in 19th century, the quality of atmosphere has gone terribly downhill. Factories producing ridiculous amount of carbon dioxide, along with other harmful gases in the atmosphere have been weakening our air. Development of cars in recent decades is one of the most crucial factor of poor atmospheric condition.

All of these causes for this problem was created by humans, and humans must be responsible for the mistakes they made and must find a resolution.

Air Pollution in China
Click this link to watch a video about air pollution in China, which is possibly the worst polluted area on this planet.

Air - General Information

Air, by the definition, is the invisible gaseous surrounding the earth, which doesn't really explain what air exactly is. So I'll tell you what air actually is.

First of all air is made out of different types of gases. 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.04% carbon dioxide and many more gases. Theses stats can vary depending on your location. For example, carbon dioxide stat is higher if you are in a polluted area such as Iran and China. Oxygen stat could be higher in the countryside. Atmospheric composition also varies by altitude. Higher altitude leads to lower level of oxygen, which makes people harder to breathe.

Air is what most people take it for granted, which we should never do. Humanity have been destroying our planet and the most serious problem is air pollution. Leading to increasing the level of carbon dioxide, greenhouse effect, and many more serious outcomes. Studies tell that if the level of air pollution continues, our planet will eventually become to the unsuitable conditions for humans to live in. Therefore we need to take responsibility and I'll be going through how we should take responsibility to this problem, in my next blog.